I was visiting the City in November and had plenty of time to photograph. Every time, this place gives me such energy I can only describe in my photographs.
So, grab your coffee, tea (or whatever you are drinking now) and enjoy the walk.
Venice is overrated, but its a heaven for a street photographer. I have 2h to kill on the island. I arrived in the city covered by beautiful thick fog—another extraordinary condition to photograph most photographed places. That’s it, folks. Ciao!
In 2023, The Hague is completely dedicated to Escher, with no less than four exhibitions and numerous cultural activities in collaboration with schools, neighborhoods, and entrepreneurs in the city. Check the link below to have some impressions if you haven’t seen it already.
A few months ago, I visited Kunstmuseum to see a new exhibition dedicated to Escher. To those who already have been to The Escher Museum, no worries, this one is something different, really nice design (who is not missing well-designed exhibitions?) and totally recommend visiting.
Louise Bourgeois
more info here: https://merk.denhaag.nl/case/escherjaar-2023/
Visited Fotomuseum and Kunsthall in Rotterdam a few weeks ago. Great exhibitions, lots of thinking, and visually adoring projects. If u have time, go and visit Kunsthall – I totally recommend especially one exhibition about Dutch Colonialism – viewed in Kunsthall until September 3rd. (link below)
Fotomuseum Rotterdam
Hans-Rucker-Co “Mind Expanders” in Kunsthall Rotterdam
Christina de Middle & Lorenzo Meloni “The Kabuler” in Kunsthall Rotterdam
Felipe Pantone ” Prospertive” in Kunsthall Rotterdam
Since I remember, I used to see other things in simple objects than my peers. Then finally, when I learned how to read, and a new field of my imagination was opened. I was always interested in how others see “books”. My head was full of images, and when I was closing my eyes I was in that world (and when I discovered Haruki Murakami I walked hungrily – u know what I mean?). Same like some of us are hearing the voice of the person who texted us. We all have superpowers 🙂
The first time with Lem, Philip K. Dick, and Frank Herbert was mind-blowing.
You’re probably thinking, why am I talking about it now? It’s simple – when I am visiting places where I’m going to photograph (or not) for the first or hundreds of times, my imagination brings me something else. It depends on my mood, weather, smell, colors, music, or text in my head. Furthermore, it’s hard to explain to someone who can’t connect to my brain and heart. Not only that, but it’s as hard as to answer the question “Why is a tomato red?” is; a true story from my exams at the art academy. Maybe it’s not simple, but the artist’s brain eyes see other things and colors than someone……
Knowing the medium and other photo techniques, I can translate what I see at that particular moment. Other forms. Lifeforms. And while walking and photographing, I heard “Lifeforms” by Future Sound of London. Enjoy.