Back to the past 2015/2016

Back to the past 2015/2016

I’m recently working with[in] my photography archive. Trying to organize projects which never were published. What a surprise I had when I found these pictures. I was photographing the artworks hanging in strange and hidden places in the city of The Hague. When I discovered the first one, finding more was much easier. Hopefully, I’m going to find the name of this project as well. It is somewhere deep 😉

The Hague 2015/2016

C e n t r a l park

C e n t r a l Park


Morning walk in Zuiderpark which i s rarely on my way way. U can feel and smell spring in the air. And the sun. oh!

what we do in s h a d o w s

what we do in s h a d o w s

Spring this year arrives later than last years. Maybe after a year when people had to slow down, mother nature is taking a long breath. Maybe. Two weeks ago i had a long walk in one of the magical parks in the city. They called it forrest. I was hunting fresh herbs but not succeeded. Instead of lots of forms, shapes catches my eyes. Surreal forms in the shadows.

When it s n o w s 2021

When it s n o w s 2021

First such a snow in Lowlands in 10 years. I truly was missing it. Sunday morning walk in snow storm condition – 15km and breathtaking moments of snow fall. To the beach and back. Full of endorphins. Yea-yeah i know cliché.

w e e k 03

W e e k 03


w e e k 02

W e e k 02

Another week, lots of cats, full lockdown, first and last snow…

W e e k 01

W e e k 01

Easy stepping into the new 2021

Cats. Cats everywhere.

w e e k 48

W e e k 48

Slowly stepping back from social media and saying I’m sorry to my blog page. Feeling recently drained to be up-to-date with everything, sucked from my creative energy.

This blog – It’s a woman world [?] – was safe place for my daily little things. And will stay like that.

Today pictures from last week (48). Enjoy.
