Air and water walk with me.
First loooong mindfull walk of this fall. North Sea I missed you!
Quite strange feeling in my head today. Can’t stop thinking about old anime “Serial experimental Lain”.
Today’s wired walk. Enjoy.
Steaming off. [15K]
Thru the darkness
of Future Past
the magician longs to see
one chants out
between two worlds
Fire — walk with me.
Steaming off. [15K]
Thru the darkness
of Future Past
the magician longs to see
one chants out
between two worlds
Fire — walk with me.
Steaming off. [15k]
Thru the darkness
of Future Past
the magician longs to see
one chants out
between two worlds
Fire — walk with me.
Steaming off. [15K]
Thru the darkness
of Future Past
the magician longs to see
one chants out
between two worlds
Fire — walk with me.
Today was the day i was waiting for a long time. The weather last couple o weeks was horrible, when the sun was shining i was at work. Today i took an advantage and I had 2h walk on the beach. Perfect time and weather for doing that.
Each time Im seeing kite surfers Im like: “why the hell Im not trying it?”. It’s calling me since few years. Then I’ve a short conversation with one of the dudes and i do know whats stop me. Today, while i was photographing one guy asked me if i also do kite [he wanted help with the kite] i said: “no, but ive question for you. How difficult it is?”. He said: “u need to know how to do this”… Obviously… [face palm].
*24s to the infinity
It become quite an inner joke, that the most people who are visiting the Voorlinden Museum, visiting it only for one selfie. Or… how many pictures u can take in 24sec?
I took few, played around with the space. Most of the pictures which u see here are taken at this exhibition are my visual expression, maybe even hidden story about it. And finally I’ve a chance to see works of Louise Bourgeois [one of my favourite artists].