no sleep till Brooklyn D1, Uncategorized

no s l e e p till Brooklyn D1

I’ve been busy recently with the big update here since I wasn’t posting for months here… This story is from November last year.

NYC trip was one of the top from my bucket list. This first time in NYC was very special for me. I visited my partner’s family for Thanksgiving celebration. And again going to this city as a photographer might be overwhelming. Mostly in places like this, I’m more paralyzed and literally don’t wanna photograph anything that was photographed before. But this thing you, who is visiting this blog regularly do know.

Today, day 1.

My flight with SwissAir was very pleasant. This was my first long flight with a layover in Zurich. I’m not the biggest fan of flying. If I could I would choose a train or any other transportation than this. I was super surprised how comfortable flight was with good vegetarian meals and unlimited wine on the board. I don’t need to tell you how the last one made me feel happy, right? I had nine hours to read the newest novel of my favorite writer Haruki Murakami, watch some stupid movies and do my best to not fall asleep to avoid jetlag [which I have to tell u I pretty well succeed]. Being a little bit bored i’ve made a calculation that my airplane I moving with the speed of 666km per hour, hilarious!

New York City welcomed me with the snow storm… We’ve made circles above the city for about an hour. Not a pleasant experience. But landing on snow was something I will never forget about.

Below you will see the footage from my favorite part of flying – soaking in the clouds. Enjoy!

© visuals olga.tokarczyk@admin / music Russian Circles “Schiphol”
