a lot of men wish they had as much powers as me
Who E L S E but artists?

Who E L S E but artists?


Critical thinking | Creativity | Curiosity | Culture

Visited Fotomuseum and Kunsthall in Rotterdam a few weeks ago. Great exhibitions, lots of thinking, and visually adoring projects. If u have time, go and visit Kunsthall – I totally recommend especially one exhibition about Dutch Colonialism – viewed in Kunsthall until September 3rd. (link below)

Fotomuseum Rotterdam

Hans-Rucker-Co “Mind Expanders” in Kunsthall Rotterdam

Christina de Middle & Lorenzo Meloni “The Kabuler” in Kunsthall Rotterdam

Felipe Pantone ” Prospertive” in Kunsthall Rotterdam


The vertical reality, Uncategorized

The vertical reality on candid camera.

There is no such thing as ugliness for a photographer. As pathetic as this might sound.

I love small towns, touched by time, and slowly dying. I look into backyards and sneak into various nooks and crannies. Not only that, but I love the beauty of passing the time.

Mornin' week04

Mornin’ Week04

Mornin' week03, Uncategorized

Mornin’ Week03

Mornin' week02

Mornin’ Week02


Mornin' week01

Mornin’ week1


For the last 10 years, I’m photographing daily mornings as the main part of my documentary project “Mornin’ “ 

I’m using only a mobile phone, starting with my iPhone 2 (the first one with a decent photo camera).

I’ve struggled with depression at that time and as a photographer, I couldn’t do anything. I was paralyzed on so many layers. One day I realise that my days going on autopilot, quite scary if u don’t remember the route u took to work, etc.

Photographing with the smartphone which I always had with me was my therapy. The idea was to take just one picture in the morning. So I start looking around while on my bike. And even if it sounds pathetic to you I realize how beautiful (and imperfect) the world around me is. 

I start posting it on social media – Instagram- and still doing it – 


Mindful living and creating.

w e e k 48

W e e k 48

Slowly stepping back from social media and saying I’m sorry to my blog page. Feeling recently drained to be up-to-date with everything, sucked from my creative energy.

This blog – It’s a woman world [?] – was safe place for my daily little things. And will stay like that.

Today pictures from last week (48). Enjoy.
