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On 23rd October the Polish Constitutional Tribunal had decided to invalidate the access to abortion on the ground of “severe and irreversible fatal defect or incurable illness that threatens the fetus’ life”.
This is happing now and today in Poland, a country that is a part of the European Union. We as humans, no matter from which country, culture, age or religion are able to make the choices for ourselves, but the polish woman can’t do it anymore. Polish politicians already decided for them.
Let’s stand together and show our voice of support for all the woman who are not allowed to choose for them selves.

This blog was always about Women World. Today my heart was fulfilled with hope that the situation for polish woman will finally change. The pictures were taken at the peaceful protest in the Hague, The Netherlands, as a support for the revolution which is taking the place now in my homeland.

***** *** 8 star movement.

Jebać PiS. We want our fundamental human rights back!

Polish women on strike the Hague, Uncategorized

Polish women on strike! 3.10.2016 the Hague



